Professional Landmen's Association of New Orleans - PLANO

History of PLANO

Professional Landmen's Association of New Orleans

Submitted by: Ed Dewailly and Janet H. Aschaffenburg


The New Orleans Landmen's Association was formed in 1953. However, no records exist for the period of time from 1953 - 1963. Little is known about the association during this time period, except for the names of the officers. You may realize that the PLANO Directory contains a complete listing of officers from 1953 to present. Although we hope to go back and gather information to reconstruct the missing records, our initial plan is to compile a general summary of the existing records. If anyone has old photographs taken at PLANO events, old directories or memories of the early or later years that they would care to contribute to this effort, your input will be much appreciated.

History of PLANO